2016 Season In Review
Hillsdale Boys Golf 2016
Thank You:
Parents, Teachers, White Oaks Golf Course, Clor’s Outpost, Tracy Schiman, Coach Brower, Clay Schiman
Junior Varsity Highlights:
*Win vs. Hillsdale Academy @Hillsdale Country Club, 234 to 278
*There were 5 JV Events, 3 held by the league (The League does not take team scores during these events)
Varsity Highlights:
L.C.A.A. League:
*League Championship @ Hantz Golf Club, Tecumseh, MI: 2nd place, 355
*League Final Standings: 2nd place overall
*1st Team All League: 2 players
*2nd Team All League: 2 players
Low Team League Score, 9 holes: 169 @Erie Mason
Low Individual Average 9 holes: Mike Condon, 41.3
Low Team Invitational Score, 18 holes: 336 @Hantz (Regional Final)
Low Individual Average 18 Holes: Joe Philipp, 79.5
Team Average, 9 Holes: 178
Team Average, 18 Holes: 352
*Win vs. Hillsdale Academy @ White Oaks, 173 to 196
*4th Place Finish at the Onsted Invitational (out of 14 teams)
Score of 382, Mike Condon and Joe Philipp Top Ten Individuals
*2nd Place Finish at the Parma Western Invitational (out of 14 teams)
Score of 346, Joe Philipp Top Ten Individuals
*1st Place 2-man score at the Michigan Center Invitational (out of 12 schools)
Mike Condon and Joe Philipp, -7
*2nd Place Tie at our Hillsdale Invitational (out of 10 teams)
Score of 340, Mike Condon and Joe Philipp Top Ten individuals
*Districts @ Calderone Farms, Jackson, MI: 3rd place out of 12, score of 356
*Regionals @ Hantz Golf Club, Tecumseh, MI: 3rd place out of 12, score of 336, Joe Philipp, Top Ten, 4th Place Individual Score
****STATE QUALIFIER DIVISION 3 @Forest Akers East, East Lansing, MI****
Shot TEAM LOW of 331 at State Championship on the 2nd day, Finished 13th in the state for Division 3